Has your old couch, love seat or recliner finally outlived its usefulness? Stress keeps knocking at your door about this once very expensive piece of furniture. Buying that couch when it brightened your whole living room remains a fond memory. It provided naps, enabled you to have company, and brought the look of your room to another level of style. The once center piece of your house, has become an eye-sore from age and wear. There is no yellow brick road to follow, but there are steps you can take to ease the stress of this project.
4 Options for Getting Rid of an Old Couch in the Nashville Area
- Find a new home for the couch. There are college students, young adults at church and people who are struggling financially who would consider your old couch or recliner a welcome addition to their décor. Consider contacting the admin person at your church to get the word out. Create a catchy sign saying “Couch for free” and post it on a college bulletin board, or a coffee shop bulletin board. Also, let your neighbors and your social media friends know that you have an old couch for free. Be honest in your description. Call it what it is: “gently used”, or “needs tlc”. One last new home for your couch may be at the home or apartment of one of your children or their friends. At Trashy’s, we are committed to providing the best information and the best service. If finding a new home for your couch, recliner, loveseat or other bulky furniture item will cost you more time than it’s worth, let Trashy save you that time and haul it safely away. Click here to schedule a pickup.
- Refurbish your old couch, extending its life with a new look that works in your home. If you still love the look of your couch, but it is worn with age, and needs a face-lift, consider hiring an upholsterer who can stun you with a couch that looks and feels even better than when you bought it. You can once again be proud of that piece you so painstakingly bought so many years ago. We are living in the age of “recycling” so what better way to recycle than to give your old couch life again, rather than send it to the local couch cemetery known as the “landfill”. This is a more expensive option and would probably only make sense to pursue if the piece of furniture that you’re wanting to re-upholster is well built. Most furniture manufactured today is lacking in quality and destined for the landfill from the get-go. That’s why it’s important to take the quality of the piece into consideration.
- Sell your couch on Facebook Marketplace. To do this, try to stage the couch in a clean place with no clutter around it. Take 10 pictures of your couch, featuring its good qualities and revealing the worn issues. (Honesty is the best policy.) Take pictures of the arms, the legs, a long view from the front and a long view from the back. If there is a brand name label, take a picture of that. If there are special screws or tufting, take pictures of those. Then comes the pricing. You need to decide the bottom line that you want to consider as a price. You may want to put a price on it and then say “or BO” (meaning best offer). If you price it reasonably you may earn a few bucks and get it hauled away for free. Don’t forget to include in your ad “you haul it away” and “first come first serve”. The more detailed you are in your ad, the fewer questions you will be asked. You may want to list it on your local Craigslist site. Wherever you post it remember to be thorough and aware of your safety.
- Consider Donating Your Couch to one of the local charities. Many of them will come to you to haul it away. Some will require you to haul it to them. (Ask your friend with a van or truck to help you out.) Some of the charities you can consider are:
- AMVETS of Tennessee Thrift Stores
- AMVETS turns your couch into a worthy donation. The funds from this organization provide much needed assistance to veterans who need to reacclimate to civilian living. Their channel for acquiring resources is a chain of thrift stores across the United States where quality products are sold at reasonable prices.
- You can schedule a free donation pick up by visiting the free donation pick up scheduling webpage.
- Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville provides another worthwhile charity for your couch to land. This organization helps families gain confidence in home ownership and even participating in the construction of a home. One of the main sources for funding this program is through Habitat’s ReStore. “Proceeds from sales at the ReStores have helped more than 33 hard working families purchase homes and live more empowered, stable lives!” (Quote from Habitat website).
- AMVETS of Tennessee Thrift Stores
Having said all that, if you need someone who specializes in removing couches, we have the
equipment and the manpower to haul away that old couch. STRESS